Building a Global Brand

Building a Global Brand

Posted by · on March 04, 2013 · in Uncategorized · with 0 Comments

For any company expanding globally takes careful analysis and planning. There are many challenges and barriers that lie ahead but with the right processes in place, taking your brand global is achievable.

1.       Maintain a consistent brand identity

Even as you adapt to the values and consumer habits of the new target market make sure you stay true to your brand identity.  The key to global success is making sure that your brand name will illicit the same responses around the world. People expect that your brand quality will remain the same no matter what country they may be in. After all, Coca Cola tastes the same in every country right?

2.       Progress at the right pace for the market

You may need to adjust your marketing plan depending on the country you are expanding into. For example, expanding from Australia to another English speaking country will be a lot easier than say expanding into China or Japan where you may experience difficulties due to a language barrier. Similarly, some countries may have a more developed market for your product where as evolving economies may have ever fluctuating trends that you will need to cater for and adjust to.

3.       Network with local distributors

Particularly in countries that may represent a challenge with governments or trade laws, networking with local distributers will be priceless. These knowledgeable local can often help you avoid roadblocks and offer guidance as you progress. There are several things to monitor leading up to and during your global expansion.

Always Monitor

  • Currency fluctuations
  • Local regulations
  • International trade laws
  • In country competitors

4.       Trademark before you launch

It’s common knowledge that some countries are known for copyright infringements and knock offs, try to make sure you product isn’t there next target.  Trademark your idea, name and packaging before you even think about expanding overseas. Arm yourself with the right protection to ensure you are prepared for any copyright issues that may arise.

5.       Look beyond expected sales markets

A new country brings new opportunities. Try not to follow the exact same marketing plan you used for your product in your home country as you will be sure to miss some golden opportunities. Draw upon as many resources you can to ensure that your brand’s expansion doesn’t go unnoticed.

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